I am 5'7" and have been above 52 kgs all my life, even as a teenager. So, I was never skinny but I was strong and fit and I loved that. I've always had a flat tummy because I exercised for that. My legs were strong because I cycled around 6km to school daily till I was 17. I had some concerns about my looks and wheatish complexion but thankfully, that is far behind now. I've never really bothered about how people feel about my weight but I do love a flat tummy for myself. And till now I've worked for it and have been in shape, well most of the times. I never was and don't like either, to be on the delicate side. I hate body-shaming and think that if you're sweating yourself to lose weight, it should be because you want to and not because your best friend thinks so, or your neighbour auntie's daughter is a Size 0, or some random stranger on a dating website expects her date to be so.
Congrats on your achievement and have a great day with a few treats allowed!